Home Make Money Online How to make money on YouTube

How to make money on YouTube

Do you know you can make $10 Million in just a year from YouTube? Oh yes you can, others have been doing it , they do not have two heads so whats gonna stop you from making such also?

Steps on how to make money on YouTube videos

Step 1: Setup and build your YouTube channel

Your channel is your personal presence on YouTube. Each YouTube account has one channel attached to it. A YouTube account is the same as a Google account, and creating a YouTube account will grant you access to other Google products, such as Gmail and Drive.

Create your account or use your existing one.
 Add keywords to help people find your channel.
You can add keywords by navigating to the Advanced section of your Channel Settings. Make sure that your keywords are relevant to your content.
Your username can also work for or against you. If it’s short, easy to remember, and original, people will be more apt to remember you.
However, if you are using an existing account, you can always change your username by editing it on your Google+ account.
Creating a YouTube channel using your Google account If you have a Google account, you can watch, share YouTube content.
But you need to create a YouTube channel to upload videos, comment, or make playlists.
You can use a computer or the YouTube mobile site / App to create a new channel.
Here are the steps:
Go to YouTube and sign in: Head over to YouTube.com and click ‘sign in’ in the top right corner of the page. Sign in using your Google account username and password.
Go to YouTube settings: In the top right corner of the screen, click on your profile icon and then the Setting icon.
Create your channel: Under your settings, you’ll see the option to “Create a channel,” click on this link. Next, you’ll have the option to create a personal channel or create a channel using a business or other name. For this example, let us choose the business option Now, it’s time to name your channel and select a category.
You might be asking right now, out of thousands of YouTube channels and accounts, how does your channel stand a chance to be seen?
Well, you need not to bother because this is one of the challenges our students have been able to solve using us our SEO strategies for YouTube. You can learn how you can master this simple technique also, click on this link to learn about our modules and get started with optimizing your YouTube channel for the Top position
Step 2: Add content
Upload content Youtube
Try to upload content that is high quality, and isn’t super long. (This option can vary depending on what type of content you decide to upload).
Also, try to upload regularly and stay consistent with your uploads.
Even if your content isn’t great at first, keep at it. Practice makes perfect. Try to make each video better than the last. You will often learn as you go.


Improve your content by either using a better camera or trying better editing software or techniques.


Once you have some videos online, monetized, and being viewed, you can check out the analytics on them to see how they are performing. Click the Analytics option in your Channel menu.
Here you can view estimated earnings, ad performance, video views, demographics and more.
Use these tools to see how your content is resonating with your audience. You can change your content or your marketing if you’re finding that you aren’t attracting the users that you want to.
Step 8: Market your videos elsewhere
Don’t put your videos just on YouTube! Start a blog, make a website or post them on other video or social media sites.
The more views it gets, the better. By sharing the link or embedding the video on the internet, you are increasing the chance of it getting noticed.
Now, we have an existing blog post on how you can even get free traffic to your business (businesses like Affiliate Marketing through  YouTube channel) by using online directories that have a minimum of 12 million monthly visitors.
Imagine how such a number of visitors can boost your watch hour on your YouTube channel…
However, read on to find out how you can get this done.
Step 9: Become a YouTube partner
YouTube Partners are YouTube members who have monetized videos with a large number of viewers. Partners gain access to more content creation tools and can win prizes for the number of viewers they have. Partners also get access to much more community support and tips.
You can apply for a YouTube partnership at any time through the YouTube Partner page.
In order to gain access to the most powerful Partner programs, here is a guide:
If your channel has previously been in YPP: When you reach the program threshold, your channel will be automatically re-evaluated under the new criteria. You can check your monetization status at Creator Studio > Channel > Monetization.
If your channel has never been in YPP: Follow the 4 steps to join the YouTube Partner Program from your account in Creator Studio. Once your channel reaches the program threshold, you’ll be reviewed to join.

multi channel network mcn explained

Credit: Abdie – Shutterstock
If you’ve already done a bit of research into making money on YouTube, you may have come across the term ‘multi-channel networks’ or ‘MCNs’. As the name suggests, MCNs are essentially management groups for YouTube channels – a bit like how multiple musicians will be signed to a single record label.
Being part of an MCN could give you access to better quality production and editing facilities, the opportunity to collaborate with other channels or celebrities, as well as help with marketing and growing your channel.

The dangers of MCNs

In return for the support an MCN gives you, you’ll need to sacrifice a percentage of your earnings as well as other creative privileges. This sounds fair in principle, but MCNs are often accused of abusing their power and serving up a rough deal for their content creators.
Jack suggested to us that he could have earned a lot more from his videos had he not been “in a very bad advertising network and legally locked into a contract” – and it’s not just the smaller channels that fall victim to MCN greed, either.
Ray William Johnson, one of the first big YouTube success stories, was reportedly pressured by Maker Studios to sign a contract that would give the company 40% of his Google Adsense revenue, as well as 50% of his channel’s intellectual property.
Johnson refused to sign the contract, and Maker Studios eventually shut down the production on one of his albums, as well as his flagship show Equals Three.
So, while joining a multi-channel network can be a great way to take your work to the next level, you should never sign a contract that you’re not happy with. These companies can, will and have taken advantage of content creators before, and you could end up earning less money than you would if you’d just gone it alone!

How does the YouTube Partner Programme work?

youtube partner programme requirements

Credit: Warner Bros
The YouTube Partner Programme (YPP) is a scheme that allows video creators on the site to start monetising their content. Members of the programme can earn money from a number of sources, including:
  • Adverts on your videos
  • YouTube Premium subscriberswatching your content
  • Channel memberships (where paid subscribers get exclusive content)
  • Super Chats (where viewers in a live chat can essentially boost their comment to make it more visible to the streamer)

Joining the YouTube Partner Programme

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to become a member of YPP if you have just one viral video to your name.
Before you can join, you’ll need to have over 1,000 subscribers and your videos must have been watched for a total of over 4,000 hours in the last 12 months. You’ll also need to adhere to YouTube’s community guidelines and terms of service.
Once you’re in, you’ll need a Google AdSense account. Don’t worry if you think your viewers will be put off by commercials – you can choose which types of ads appear on your videos, like skippable clips or overlaying banners.
Oh, and just to be clear, you can’t monetise any videos with copyrighted material in them. So if you filmed a short section of a gig and put it on YouTube, you wouldn’t be able to make money from any ads on this video.


Of course, reaching the thresholds required to join the YouTube Partner Programme is a big ask. Here’s what Jack had to say when we asked him how to grow your channel to the point where you can join YPP:
Step 10: Increase your YouTube revenue with affiliate marketing
“Affiliate marketing” means selling products in exchange for a commission.
Hundreds of thousands of companies offer attractive deals to affiliate marketers who promote their products/services.
What is YouTube Affiliate Marketing?
YouTube affiliate marketing is the process of creating videos and placing affiliate links in the actual videos (via annotations) or in video descriptions, which includes links to products you review and use in your videos that will track a purchase.
If someone makes a purchase using your affiliate link, you receive a small commission for the sale.
You can Sell/Promote others’ products as an affiliate marketer, where huge companies, Jumia, Konga, Amazon, and eBay, to smaller companies offer good deals to promoters.
Additionally, as a Nigerian… there are many affiliate networks you can join and I have covered many of them in this post about affiliate marketing programs.
Here are some ideas to make money through YouTube affiliate marketing
Product Unboxing – In these videos, you can simply open a product in a YouTube video, showing viewers exactly what’s inside the packaging. Then provide the affiliate link to that product website, where it is available for sale online.
Reviews – YouTube reviews are another great way to relieve buying anxiety and provide an affiliate link.
Training videos – Lastly, many affiliates make money by simply training viewers how to use a complicated product, and then sending those educated leads to their affiliate link.
Comedy videos: These are funny videos made in an attempt to make people laugh. These types of videos are very engaging and can drive massive traffic o your channel. E.g Mark Angel ComedyAy Comedian etc
News: News channel is another type of channel that is popular and can gain viewership in no time. You can cover breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinions, business, sports, movies, travel and more. E.g NaijChannels etc

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